Project 4: Sense of Place

Reptile Gardens

                    I have been going to Reptile Gardens since before I was old enough to remember my first time going. Nearly every Summer that my family and I were in the Black Hills area (either living no more than an hour away, or on vacation from elsewhere), we made sure to visit the world's largest reptile zoo. Having gone so many times the experience is familiar, but never boring. There are various shows to go to depending on the time of day, such as the snake show, gator show, and bird show. One of the most recognizable places in Reptile Gardens is the Sky Dome; a two-level dome not only filled with reptiles(as well as bugs, birds, and amphibians!), but also beautiful and rare plants. The outer ring has glass enclosures, which hold creatures as small as tree frogs to Maniac, a 16-foot-long Saltwater Crocodile! In the center of the Dome, there are frogs, lizards, birds and a snake among the flora. My family and I love looking for the frogs and lizards on the plants! Other than the Dome, there is a prairie dog town, a Bald Eagle named Cheyenne, and giant tortoises. Even if it is just down the road from Bear Country USA, Reptile Gardens is our go-to because we can walk around outside in the summer sun, and then go inside the dome to cool off. But the real essence of Reptile Gardens is in its inhabitants.


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